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© Photographic Expressions 2012
Tatiana Elis   This is Tatiana’s first attempt at writing a children’s book. She dealt with children on a daily basis  while living in Russia. This little mouse really sparked her imagination and creativity. She’s already thinking about the next book in the Mousetropolis series promising to be full of action and adventure!    Andre Gorzynski Born in West Germany, lived in France for 15 years and moved to the USA! A long time photographer, Andre brings a lot of experience and patience to the project. “Mice are very smart and curious. It took me a while to figure out how to make them behave so I could have usable pictures for this project. We are very pleased with the results!” View more of Andre’s work at www.andrephoto.com.
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MIA’S MAGIC BOOK  By Tatiana Elis . Photographed By Andre Gorzynski
M I A ’ S  M A G I C  B O O K